Halloween party ideas 2015

By Heather Johnson*, Guest Writer for Inpui.com

children-on-flight With the excitement of a family vacation often brings the fear of what may go wrong. Any parent who has experienced the horror of a grocery store melt down knows exactly what I am talking about. A few small things can make a huge difference.

Be Prepared

Planes get delayed, lines can (and usually will) be longer than expected, and those famous random searches can really put a damper on things. Expect the unexpected and have the right trick up your sleeve. Keep in mind that you will never know where you will be and what you will have access to.

Things to keep with you

1. Simple snacks- For best results keep in mind that you may also not have access to a sink or anywhere to clean up right away. Fruit snacks and those small boxes of animal crackers with the string that we all love and remember from our own childhood are fantastic choices. Not only are they virtually mess free, they are sure to lighten the mood, at least temporarily.
2. Hydration- Be sure to research the rules pertaining to liquid allowances, where you are allowed to have them and in what quantity. You may be aware that most containers must be 100ml or smaller, however medications, baby formula and food, breast milk, and juice have their own guidelines. Not having to burden your already stressed mind with the daunting task of trying to pack these items within compliance can be quite a relief.
3. Comfort Items- Sacrifice the carry-on space for that go to blankie and teddy bear. You won’t regret it. My youngest has had two blankets that have been the saving grace many times over. I wouldn’t dream of leaving home without them!

Entertainment in Route

After a lot of reluctance, I broke down this past Christmas and gave my six year old a portable gaming system. I cannot begin to explain the new found peace on long trips.

For my four year old, a set of 12 Disney books that come with an electronic pen reader is a life saver. He just touches it to the pages and depending on where it makes contact it will read the page or share other things about the story.

Want to hear the best news about them both? Both are equipped with headphone jacks! This makes for happy kids, fellow passengers, and parents. Depending on age, there are appropriate variations of items such as these. For parents of particularly hard to entertain children or longer trips the investment may be well worth it.

Even the best laid plans can have their hitches. Most importantly remember to bring your patience and wits. Keep in mind that the flying isn’t the destination, just part of the journey. Try to enjoy it! View this as an excellent opportunity to teach your kids to find joy in the small things. When you keep your calm they will likely follow your example, which will make the trip a success.

About the author:- Heather Johnson writes at HoneymoonDestinations.org, a great honeymoon research website. Discover great honeymoon ideas today!

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